Life of Children: Victims of Iraq War

  • Child Victims of Crime: Though there have been a significant growth in security, crime has been on the increase as far as abduction of children by various organization goes. Children have been subjected to rape, prostitution, honor killings, human trafficking and domestic violence. Thousands of women and females burn themselves alive to escape such torture.
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Life of Children: Victims of Iraq War

  • Health: Children in Iraq are suffering from psychological problems such as depression and post traumatic stress disorder. Thousands of children have been maimed because of this war. Some have lost their parents while some have lost their limps that their families do not even have sufficient financial resources to buy them aids such as wheelchairs of crutches.

    US soldier carries a wounded child to aid.

    US soldier carries a wounded child to aid.

Life of Children: Victims of Iraq War

  • Education: Gross enrollment figures from 2007-2008 show how there have been an increase drop of children in primary schools from 2005. Poor infrastructure facilities, lack of clean water, lack of electricity is hampering the learning process. Along with that a recent UN report shows how there have been a decrease rate in girls attending schools. This has resulted mostly because of lack of security given to children especially girls when traveling from school to back home.

    A school in Iraq got bombed and destroyed.

    A school in Iraq got bombed and destroyed.

Main Controversies of Iraq War

It’s been eleven years since the invasion of Iraq. The U.S. army is no longer there. Media armies also left. But the controversy still lives on. Was toppling Saddam Hussein a wrong move? Or was American intervention the wrong move? Or perhaps the wrong move was in how Saddam was removed from power. Or was the whole thing actually the right way to go?


Main Controversies of Iraq War

On March 20, 2003, a US-led partnership of 49 countries invaded Iraq and overthrew the government within three weeks. The US declared an official end to the war on Dec. 15, 2011, although some military recruits and security contractors remain in Iraq as members of the US mission. Over 4,000 US soldiers and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis died in the war.
Allies state that saving the people of Iraq from Saddam Hussein’s human rights abuses, spreading democracy in the region, putting into action the UN regulations, finding suspected weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), and making the US safer from terrorism in a post-9/11 world, all justified this war.However, opponents argue that Iraq had no WMDs or connection to 9/11, and that the Bush administration wanted Iraqi oil and any excuse to remove Hussein. They say the attack violated international law, killed countless civilians, wasted billions of dollars, and made the US more vulnerable to terrorism.


Damage of Baghdad during Iraq War

3)  National Museum of Iraq : the National Museum of Iraq which was responsible for almost all treasures of Mesopotamian culture as well as the early Islamic culture lost around 170,000 irreplaceable artifacts which were either stolen or broken. On Arpil 14th, the Iraq National Library along with National Archives were burned down, destroying thousands of manuscripts which were almost 7000 years old


Damage of Baghdad during Iraq War

2)  Baghdad Zoo: just after 8 days of invasion in 2007, only 35 out of 700 animals in Baghdad Zoo survived. Some animals were stolen for human food while some died after being caged for days without any supply of food and water. Only some zoo keepers alone with South African Anthony Lawrence cared for the animals that survived by providing them with food and water.

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Damage of Baghdad during Iraq War

1) Al Askari Mosque : was bombed twice. The Sunnis residing in Baghdad had strong affiliation with AL-Askari Mosque. The Mosque was bombed once on February 22nd, 2006. The heavy explosion effected its golden tomb and severely damaged the mosque. At 8 am on 13th June 2007, operatives of Al-Qaida destroyed the remaining inches of the golden tomb.

Al- Askari Mosque after bombing.

Al- Askari Mosque after bombing.

History of Iraq War

Bush also cited the possibility of Saddam Hussein acquiring these weapons as the principle reason for a pre-emptive invasion of Iraq. He and other senior American officials additionally said Mr. Hussein had direct ties to the Al Qaeda terrorist organization established by Osama bin Laden. After the Americans ousted Mr. Hussein, they searched for evidence in Iraq to support both claims but have so far found nothing. Iraq countered this by saying there were no weapons of mass destruction and that they were not allowing UN weapons inspectors as the 1999 checks included U.S. intelligent agents.


History of Iraq War

At the point when George W. Bush (Jr.) came to power in 2001, the chances of war in Iraq grew rapidly. Bush accused Iraq of starting to develop weapons of mass obliteration and to ensure UN weapons inspectors were permitted full access to Iraq weapons, something they had not fully had.